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AI-powered wearables

Patient Assistance

Dialogue-based social care services for people with mental illness, dementia and the elderly living alone

Dialogue-based social care services for people with mental illness, dementia and the elderly living alone

Government or public institutions
Improved Customer Experience
Problem addressed
Dialogue-based interaction between people and machines using artificial
intelligence technology helps people with accessibility issues to IT devices.
Scope of use case
Daily life support AI services that provide an interaction with humans using natural language
This use case is related to the spread of digital and unmanned
services. A variety of reasons, including unfriendly user
interfaces and mental or physical limitations, make some
people uncomfortable with the latest IT device-based
services. This causes inequality in the benefits of the latest
technology. Artificial intelligence conversation technology,
which can interact with users through natural language, can
help reduce this inequality. This technology supports the
interaction of people and technologies in a digital
perceive frame img
Live Video
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Dialogue system
knowledge bases
Information Retrieval
Speech Analysis
speech synthesis
act frame img
Retrieve Information
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